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Function Details : getenv

char *getenv(const char * name) ;

Return Type : char *

String pointer (array of characters)
Read about return values of getenv function .

1st Parameter Type : const char *

Pointer to read-only string

1st Parameter

A null-terminated string representing the name of the environment variable to retrieve

Read more about parameters of getenv in parameters section
The getenvfunction in C language Retrieves the value of an environment variable.
The getenv function searches the environment list for a string that matches the string pointed to by name. The environment list is a system-dependent array of strings of the form name=value. The search is case-sensitive on some systems.
The getenvfunction takes 1 parameter:
  • const char * `name`: A null-terminated string representing the name of the environment variable to retrieve
Retrieves the value of the environment variable specified by `name`. Returns a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the value of the variable, or `NULL` if the variable is not found.
The getenv function return value :
  • Returns a pointer to the value in the environment, or NULL if there is no match
  • The returned string should not be modified by the program


This example demonstrates how to retrieve and print the value of the PATH environment variable.