Case Converter
Upper Case
Transforms all characters to uppercase. This is useful for creating emphasis or for specific formatting requirements.
Lower Case
Converts all characters to lowercase. This can be helpful for standardizing text or for case-insensitive comparisons.
Capitalize Case
Capitalizes the first letter of each word. This is often used for titles or headings.
Title Case
Applies title case formatting, capitalizing important words while leaving minor words in lowercase. Ideal for article titles or book names.
Sentence Case
Capitalizes the first letter of each sentence. This is the standard format for normal text.
Alternating Case
Alternates between uppercase and lowercase for each character. This creates a playful, eye-catching effect.
Inverse Case
Inverts the case of each character. Upper becomes lower and vice versa.
Snake Case
Replaces spaces with underscores and makes all letters lowercase. Common in programming for variable or file names.
Kebab Case
Similar to snake case, but uses hyphens instead of underscores. Often used in URLs or CSS class names.
Camel Case
Removes spaces and capitalizes the first letter of each word except the first. Widely used in programming for variable and function names.
Pascal Case
Similar to camel case, but capitalizes the first letter of the first word as well. Often used for class names in programming.