Function Details: super


Returns a proxy object that delegates method calls to a parent or sibling class of type.

Extended Description

The super() function returns a proxy object that allows you to refer to the superclass implicitly. It's commonly used in class inheritance to call methods from a parent or sibling class. When called without arguments, it returns an unbound super object. When called with two arguments, it returns a bound super object; the type parameter should be a subclass of object_or_type. The most common use is in the __init__ method of a subclass to call the __init__ method of the superclass.

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Function Signature

super([type[, object_or_type]]) -> super

Module: builtins

Class: super


Parameter List

  • type: Optional[type]
  • object_or_type: Optional[Union[object, type]]


Returns a proxy object that delegates method calls to a parent or sibling class.

Return Type




This example shows how to use super() to call methods from a parent class in a subclass.