Function Details: frozenset


Returns an immutable set object initialized from iterable.

Extended Description

The frozenset() function returns an immutable set object. Like sets, frozensets are unordered collections of unique elements, but unlike sets, frozensets are immutable and hashable. This makes them suitable for use as dictionary keys or as elements of other sets. If no argument is passed, it returns an empty frozenset.


  • TypeError: If the iterable contains unhashable objects

Read More about frozenset from Python Documentation

Function Signature

frozenset(iterable: Optional[Iterable] = None) -> frozenset

Module: builtins

Class: frozenset


iterable: An optional iterable object (e.g., list, tuple, set) to initialize the frozenset. If omitted, returns an empty frozenset.

Parameter List

  • iterable: Optional[Iterable]


Returns a new frozenset object containing unique elements from the input iterable.

Return Type




This example shows creating frozensets from a list with duplicates, a string, and an empty frozenset.