Function Details: aiter


Returns an AsyncIterator for an AsyncIterable object.

Extended Description

The aiter() function is used to obtain an asynchronous iterator from an asynchronous iterable. It's particularly useful in asynchronous programming contexts, such as coroutines and async generators. This function is the asynchronous counterpart to the iter() function used for synchronous iterables.


  • TypeError: If the argument is not an async iterable (doesn't implement __aiter__())

Read More about aiter from Python Documentation

Function Signature

aiter(async_iterable: AsyncIterable) -> AsyncIterator

Module: builtins


This function takes one parameter: async_iterable (an AsyncIterable object). This can be any object that implements the __aiter__() method.

Parameter List

  • async_iterable: AsyncIterable


Returns an AsyncIterator object that can be used in an 'async for' loop.

Return Type




This example demonstrates how to use aiter() with an async generator. The async generator yields values with a small delay, and we use aiter() to create an async iterator that we can use in an async for loop.